Sunday, March 18, 2018

Mako Sharks

Mako Sharks are one of the fastest sharks in the ocean.Mako sharks specifically are dangerous to humans because they can jump into fishing boats. 

A female mako shark is bigger than the males mako's. Male Mako sharks can weigh up to 135 kilograms  but the females can get up to 150 kilograms.

This shark likes to  inhabit the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean , Atlantic Ocean  and The Red Sea.They can travel up to 55  kilometers in a day.I

it usually take a pregnant mako up to 15 to 18 months to have a  litter. A litter usually consists of 4 to 25 baby sharks which are called pups.

Mako sharks are one of the many species of sharks that are in danger because of bycatch which means  they get caught in the fishing nets which are there to catch fish for eating. 

photo credit  discovery

Monday, July 31, 2017

great white sharks

The great white shark is located all over the world and is gray on top and white on the bottom. The great white shark is bigger than a diver and is related to the megalodon shark. The great white eats sea turtles, seals, sea lions and whales. When the great white is attacking its prey it rolls its eyes into its head. The great white has many teeth. They lose them and a new one grows in. Great white sharks do not poop because they use their gills to get out excrement.

The great white shark is an endangered animal. It is hunted by people for a sport, and their fins are put in shark fin soup. Great white sharks do not eat people. They only attack people. The great white is attracted to yellow so don't wear anything yellow. They are also attracted to shiny objects. If the great white is attacking you, you should ram your fist into its eye. The eye is the weakest spot. 

The great white is a very interesting species of shark to study. I recommend, if you want any further information or to learn more, you read the book Sharkopedia by Discovery Channel. 

Saturday, January 14, 2017

bull sharks

Dear readers,

I am very sorry that I have not been doing any blog posts because I've been having some sleep problems and I've had to be in my bed to have electronics.

Today I want to talk about bull sharks because they are very different than other sharks. They can live in different places and they are aggressive.

Bull sharks will live in fresh and salt water. Bull sharks will go in creeks and the ocean.

Bull sharks weigh a lot. They weigh between 210 and 290 pounds. The female bull shark is bigger than the male bull shark.

Bull sharks get their food by going into an aggresive state to attak their prey and eat it. Bull sharks like to feast on turtles, birds, dolphins, and land animals.

The scientific name for a bull shark is carcharhinus leucas.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

whale sharks

Whale sharks are really nice to people. How are whale sharks nice to people? Well whale sharks are really nice to people not because they mow our lawns or give us Christmas  presents, it is because they let us hold their fins and  let us ride them . Whale sharks will never attack people or other animals. They are actually like vegetarians  because they only eat plankton.    Plankton  is tiny microscopic  organisms that float around the ocean.

Whale sharks have really cool patterns on their body . They are over 40 feet long and up to 70,000 pounds. Whale sharks are the confirmed biggest fish in the ocean. 

If there are lots of food whale sharks will be together in big groups but normally they  like to be by their self.

check out this cool video  from

Do any of my readers have any topics for me?  If you do let me know in the comment section. Thank you from Lyra The Shark Girl!

Sharkopedia, Discovery Communication,s, LLC

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Megalodon Shark

Megalodon sharks are dangerous. They can crush cars and they will eat anything in there path! Megalodons could still be in our waters without us  knowing.  Megalodons are 18  meters  long, which is 60 feet.

Where have Megalodons been seen? Megalodons  have  been  seen  in  the Sea of Cortez, South Africa and   a  dead  whale's body was opened up which people think Megalodon attacked it in Hawaii. 

When a son and father were on a fishing  trip, suddenly  the  son said  what  is that  over  there on  the  shore?  It was a whale  that was lying on the shore and its insides were on the sand.  It looked like  there  were  big  big bite  marks.

Sharkopedia, Discovery Communications