Monday, July 31, 2017

great white sharks

The great white shark is located all over the world and is gray on top and white on the bottom. The great white shark is bigger than a diver and is related to the megalodon shark. The great white eats sea turtles, seals, sea lions and whales. When the great white is attacking its prey it rolls its eyes into its head. The great white has many teeth. They lose them and a new one grows in. Great white sharks do not poop because they use their gills to get out excrement.

The great white shark is an endangered animal. It is hunted by people for a sport, and their fins are put in shark fin soup. Great white sharks do not eat people. They only attack people. The great white is attracted to yellow so don't wear anything yellow. They are also attracted to shiny objects. If the great white is attacking you, you should ram your fist into its eye. The eye is the weakest spot. 

The great white is a very interesting species of shark to study. I recommend, if you want any further information or to learn more, you read the book Sharkopedia by Discovery Channel. 

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